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Extract insights and knowledge from your sensor data.

Sensori data insights

Represent your sensor data and gain valuable insights.


Platform SaaS

No software licences, Sensori is provided as a SaaS (Software as a Service) for a ‘All-in’ service fee per period of time

New Features

New features, developments and upgrades are continuous shared with all customers and users.

Managed service

No software to install. No licenses to manage. No maintenance: a rock solid data network.

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Features of Sensori


All your sensors will be kept track of if they connect via predefined schedules

User management

Add or manage users within your organisation so that you all may have access to your sensors


Receive notifications via email when of instance a threshold is hit or some other alarm is generated by your sensors

Connect all device types

Sensori accepts logfiles and data messages via HTTP, SMS, FTP, LoraWan, Sigfox, and other protocols of devices with over mobile internet like GPRS, 3G and 4G.

Aggregated values

Transform multiple data points into new valuable data points (derived values).

Acknowledge alarms

Keep track of which alarms have already been acknowledged by any of your collegues

Access control

Get real fine control over what users can see and or do what within your organisation

SMS notifications

Receive notifications via sms when of instance a threshold is hit or some other alarm is generated by your sensors


Sensori offers customization features for your own company branding like you own and operate the platform yourself.

Dashboard demo

Publicly shareable dashboards via direct access links.

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